Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Your hair can make a real impression at any time. Keeping your hair and scalp healthy can help you to easily style and give yourself the look you desire. Unfortunately some of us may have developed some bad hair habits that are causing more troubles than we need.

Lookout for Your Hair

Be aware of some of these habits that could be at the root of your hair problems:

• Washing too often – a daily shampoo is not as good for your hair as you may think. The shampoo process removes most natural oils and nutrients before your hair has a chance to absorb them. Skipping shampoo for a day or two is perfectly alright and can help your hair to rebuild and have more shine.

• Harsh chemicals – from colors to styling products, your hair can be attacked by numerous chemicals that can damage and fray your locks. Minimize the chemicals you use, and try to use color that will last for a couple of months if possible. Look for all natural styling products that can actually work with your natural oils to nourish your hair.

• Water – some of the problems you are having could be the result of hard water hair damage. Determine if you are using hard water and if so, consider switching to bottled water or softened water. Alternatively, look for products that can help repair hard water damage such as conditioners and oils.

• Your diet – what you eat can have a direct impact on your hair. Look for foods that are high in protein and calcium, such as nuts, meats, eggs, and cheeses. Consider adding coconut oil to your diet for cooking, or simply take a tablespoon a day to improve the look of your hair.

Styling – brushing or combing your hair can pull out hair and cause split ends. Minimize the amount of brushing and combing, if possible, and use natural products to keep your style looking good.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Eye-catching beauty comes in many different shapes, sizes, and colors. Your skin plays an important role in creating a beautiful you. Proper skin care can help to bring out your inner beauty. The right makeup also helps to accentuate your positive features and diminish the less desirable traits.

Easy fixes for those common makeup mistakesWatch out for some makeup mishaps that can occur when selecting the products for your activities. The makeup that you wear to work on a daily basis may not work well for a special event or a night out. The wrong color or the wrong application of makeup can reduce your beauty and distract others from seeing your positive image.

Likewise, there are skin care product mishaps that can leave you with more problems than solutions. Incorrect use, too much product, or product that irritates your skin can leave redness, rashes, bumps, dry flakes or puffiness.

6 Steps to a Beautiful You
Follow these six steps so that you can bring out your true beauty and avoid some of the most common makeup and skin care mistakes:

1. Cleansers – there is no need for fancy expensive cleansers. Instead, choose something basic and natural to clean your face and skin. Look for products that use natural ingredients and are safe for sensitive skin. The less perfume or perks, the more pure and clean your skin can be.

2. Exfoliating – too much scrubbing can damage your skin. While it is important to exfoliate and remove dead skin once or twice a week, this process should not be performed every day. A gentle exfoliating mask or scrub is perfect for weekly use.

3. Moisturizers – there are numerous moisturizers on the market, so choosing from hundreds of options can be challenging. Look for a moisturizer that is ideal for your skin type. Even oily skin should have some type of light moisturizer to help protect the skin and provide a good layer for makeup application.

4. Foundation – the foundation that you choose should complement your skin tone and help to even out the color on your face and into your neck area. Try not to go too heavy on foundation, but use enough to provide even coverage. Think of your foundation as creating a canvas for your makeup colors.

5. Color selection – this is one of the key factors in proper use of makeup. Choose colors that work well with your skin, hair, jewelry and clothing. Going too dark during the day or too light at night can present the wrong image. Don’t be afraid to test new colors, but be conservative and make gradual changes so you can adjust without any serious consequences.

6. Makeup to use – your choices for makeup can depend on your activities. For daytime work or school you may want to stay light and only use some eye makeup and lipstick. For an evening at the club you may want to build up some thick eyelashes, add blush and an astonishing lip color. At weddings or other special occasions you may want to be somewhat conservative but add some extra eye makeup and glossy lip color. Think about your upcoming activities and then choose the makeup that is right for you.

When to Use a Professional
There are professional makeup artists in most communities that can help you with color selection and even to apply makeup for a special event. You can always give yourself a treat and try a makeup artist to see what new ideas may be discovered.
Take good care of your skin and use makeup wisely so that you can present the beauty that is you.